
If you haven’t curled before, please head to our Try Curling page!

If you wish to develop your curling skills, you’ve come to the right place.

Private Coaching Sessions

Perfect for individuals and small groups looking to develop skills in any aspect of curling. These 1 hour sessions are led a qualified coach for a maximum of 4 people.

As an ECC member each session costs £30 for the coach and £5 for the ice. Any additional ECC members with you will cost a further £5 each, and any non-members will cost £10 each. Theses sessions are available to non-members too, but charged at a flat rate of £100 regardless of participant numbers.

Cue Delivery Workshop

If you’re struggling with the traditional sliding delivery, why not try a cue? You simply walk out the hack while using a cue to propel the stone. It may take a little getting used to, but with some practice you’ll soon find yourself enjoying your curling again with far less bending and associated discomfort.

If you are interested in learning or improving your stick delivery, please complete the form below.

Use of a delivery stick can significantly extend the length of time a curler can play for, enabling people to stay active in later years or help them return after injury/surgery.

Hosted by a qualified coach, this workshop will provide an introduction to the cue delivery or guidance for those already using it. The course costs £10 per person.

Club Coaching

Are members of your club looking for a bit of extra guidance? Then why not schedule a coaching session! Book your ice session yourself or through your Club Secretary, and ask for a coach to attend.

Please request a coach at least two weeks in advance to avoid disappointment. Club coaching is available to members only, subject to availability, and billed at a rate of £30 per coach (excluding ice costs).