Etiquette and Safety Reminders

The curling season is less than a week away, and while you’re getting out your brushes, we wanted to brush up everyone’s safety knowledge.

Safety First

All ice techs and rink staff are first aid certified. If there is an accident on the ice, please notify the nearest member of staff immediately. If you need to call 999 first, please go ahead and do so, but be sure to alert staff as well. There is an emergency alert buzzer located next to the men’s changing room that can be used to notify staff.

The majority of on-ice accidents happen at the start of the season when we’re all finding our feet again. The worst culprit? Old kippers. Please check your shoes and make sure they’re still grippy and replace them if they are not.

Please resist the urge to use your phone on the ice – being distracted can be dangerous.

Remember to keep your hands out of your pockets, as you may need to brace yourself in the event of a fall.

If you find yourself falling, remember: chin to chest!

Stop the Stones

We have new, modern hacks this season. Skips, please ensure that the stones do not collide with the new hacks, as they can be dislodged and damage the ice.

The sides of the cooling floor are lined with plastic, so please stop the stones before they hit the edges. Avoid leaving stones unattended mid-sheet, as a ricochet into the side plastic can damage it.

When stopping a stone, you should be using your brush, not your feet.

Watch the Edges

While the newly replaced ice floor is level, our old walkway is not. Please be mindful of the small lip that exists in certain areas, particularly by the fire door on sheet 7. You will notice the raised concrete at the end of sheet 7 as well. It’s part of the base for a future lift, so please watch your step there as well.

Hands Off the Ice

Please do not leave your hand or knee on the ice surface during your delivery.

Please also make sure your kippers and sliders are clean. They can get quite dirty in storage between seasons and often leave the winter’s dust on the ice next to the hacks. The ice techs recommend wiping down the inside and outside of your kippers before getting on the ice.

1 Reply to "Etiquette and Safety Reminders"

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    John Trotter
    21st September 2018 (3:56 pm)

    It is also a good idea to encourage members to wear protective headgear – available in the shop and quite trendy.

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